En-Gedi 隱.基底
Mediterranean Gourmet
客服: 0800-584-999
Store / Olives
Extra Virgin olive oil accounts for less than 10% of oil in many producing countries; the percentage is far higher in the Mediterranean countries (Greece: 80%, Italy: 45%, Spain 30%). It is important to note that 80% of the Greek olive oil is extra virgin, which is the top-ranked classification category in the world. This makes Greece the world’s largest producer of extra virgin olive oil.
有別於主要橄欖油外銷國家所生產的橄欖油會混其他國家的油,雖然希臘橄欖油總生產量屈居世界第三, 但是希臘具有數種享譽全世界的優良品種以及原產區。
Hellenic Fine Oils(希臘優良油公司)
A traditional family-owned Greek company, and a leader in the Greek olive oil industry. Pure and exceptional flavors, distinctive and genuine products of Greece.
HFO 公司從創立至今其核心理念一直保持不變,橄欖油以及相關產品的檢驗標準以及包裝材料都具有極高的要求,相關產品包括橄欖、橄欖醬、芳香橄欖油等。